Defining Yourself: Family

Welcome to the first installment of Defining Yourself. Disclaimer: I am not a mental health specialist or a life coach. In this post, we will talk about family. If you have read the previous post, you know how much weight this part of your life carries. You may have divided the category into different sections….

New Series: Defining Yourself

Hey peeps! I am starting my very first blog series! The series is called Defining Yourself and it will breakdown the different areas of your life that will help you define yourself. The most important part of this series is to try to think about these things without any conditions. If you are working to…

Raise Your Standards: You Deserve A Great Life

I feel like usually when I read articles that are related to raising your standards, they are about dating but not this one. This is related to life in general. Have you ever had someone shut down your dreams because they were too much, too luxurious, too unnecessary? I was watching an IG video from…

Are You The Villain In Your Own Life Story?

Your life is a story. Have you ever looked back on situations that have happened like damn, this was really f*cked up. I know, we all have those moments of “yes, I made mistakes” but have you ever thought that the mistake(s) you made were so damn bad that it threw off the entire trajectory…

Grief: Infant Loss

When you lose your child, you are always wondering what you did wrong. At least, I do. My daughter was born with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS), which basically means that the left side of her heart didn’t work properly. Within a few days of her birth, she had surgeries on her heart to keep…