Red Flags At Your New Job? Do Not Ignore Them! [Life Update]

Hey peeps! Hope all has been going well. I’ve been writing a lot but not posting, I’m really trying to work on my writing but this post is something that has been on my mind recently. I read through Reddit quite a bit and I see a lot of posts that talk about the guilt…

Defining Yourself: Gratitude

HEY PEEPS! Welcome to the next chapter in Defining Yourself: Gratitude. This chapter was originally going to be called Spirituality/Gratitude. I decided to loop both of those together because it is really up to you how you decide to be grateful for the things you have and how you get your wants for the future….

Defining Yourself: Self-care

Hey Peeps! Let’s hop back into this! We hear “self-care” A LOT…I mean a freaking lot! Self-care is taking care of yourself, duh! Whether you have a stressful job, overwhelming friends, a child or multiple children, a partner, family members who require a lot from you (physically, mentally, emotionally, etc.) you need to take time…

Defining Yourself: Health/Fitness

Welcome back to the Defining Yourself series! Possible trigger warning for this post. Before I start this, I am not a health professional. SKINNY DOES NOT EQUAL HEALTHY, PLUS SIZE DOES NOT EQUAL UNHEALTHY. Go to the doctor! GO REGULARLY! Find a good doctor! If your doctor sucks, find a new one! Yes, it is…

Defining Yourself: Hobbies

Welcome back to the Defining Yourself series. Our topic today will be hobbies. Hobbies are activities that you need to have for yourself, something you can always turn to no matter what. For me, this is my biggest struggle. As I began to let go and learn about myself, I realized I did not have…